McAfee phone number for customer support

McAfee phone number for customer support

McAfee phone number for customer support- McAfee is a leading and trusted brand in the security software industry. It was established in the year 1987 by John McAfee.  Everybody who is even the tiniest bit digitally aware knows the importance of antivirus. With so many viruses and other threats lurking around, it is vital to safeguard the network and devices. McAfee Anti Virus runs in the background and does not cause any hindrance nor slows down the computer. McAfee security suite blocks viruses and other malicious software from entering the computer, and it removes all existing malware from the computer.  To setup McAfee on your computer, go to mcafee activate.

Step by Step process f

Step by Step process for McAfee Activation and Installation Online

Follow the steps below if you are new McAfee customer
  1. If you have McAfee Retail Card with valid 25 digit product key code or PIN then first visit activation link 
  2. Enter your McAfee Activate code correctly along with your valid Email address.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and proceed with McAfee account creation.
  4. If you have successfully created an account then log in and start your recently activated McAfee download and installation online.

or McAfee Activation a

Follow the steps below if you are an existing McAfee customer

  1. Make sure you have brand new and valid 25 characters long Product key code or PIN number.
  2. Open the web address mcafee activate that is given on your McAfee Retail Card.
  3. Correctly input the McAfee Activate code.
  4. Enter the email address that is associated with your existing McAfee Account.
  5. Now it will ask you to enter your McAfee Account password to complete the activation process.
  6. Once you have successfully logged in then it will give you the option to download your activated McAfee product

Common Problems that you can face with your McAfee Activation Process are;

1) McAfee Activation code is redeemed on the incorrect email address or getting the error of country and language?
Solution: In that case, you need contact McAfee customer service to update your working email address.
2) Don’t you have correct McAfee Account password?
Solution: Click on forget password so you will receive password reset link at your registered email with McAfee.
3) Geeting an error of Invalid McAfee activate code?
Solution: Make sure you entered a correct key code. For example, Some time the number “5” look alike the letter “S” or the number “2” looks like “Z” so keep trying these combinations because these all are the printing issues of McAfee cards that rarely happens.

How to reach mcafee phone number for customer support -Call on our toll-free no: 1-833-274-7842 Technical Support for You We are always here with our hands extended for your help in technological problems. If you arena end-user of any technical product and you are having any kind of problems regarding that tech product, as not being a technical person, you can contact us. 


  1. I just want to say that all the information you have given here on is awesome.Thank you.
    | Mcafee Customer Service UK |


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